
Now more than ever, you have to get creative with what to eat at home. Take out every night isn't feasible and eating the same cycle of meals every week isn't enjoyable. Most importantly, you need to incorporate healthy, varietal meals into your week so your children say YES to veggies, vegan, or cultured foods! The California Beach Co. presents to you three healthy meals even your kids will love!

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The California Beach Co. wants to clear the air on an important topic. The concept of playpens is not exactly loved by all parents. These structures have gained a bad reputation for often being a place of punishment. Timeout and other kinds of punishments should be avoided if possible. To do so, try out these methods that reinforce positive behavior. 

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If you’ve found out you’re expecting... congratulations! You’re about to enter a magical and memorable time in your life. The first pregnancy-related items you’ll bring into your home are the ones that will benefit your baby, and rightfully so. But what about your comfort? What are you doing to care for yourself? In this article, we've listed five not-your-average items that will add ease, comfort, and support to any expecting mom’s pregnancy. 

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