10 Reasons Now is the Perfect Time to Adopt a Pet

10 Reasons Now is the Perfect Time to Adopt a Pet - The California Beach Co.

When life brings you lemons, go to an animal shelter. These ruff times are actually the perfect time to adopt a pet! In this article, we’ll outline all of the reasons why. 🐾

1️⃣ Quality Time

We’re going to guess you're spending more time at home these days. Whether you’re working from home, unemployed, or are an essential worker, your on-the-go lifestyle has undoubtedly slowed down in some capacities. This means you have plenty of time to get acquainted with a new pet, and vice versa!

2️⃣ It’s a Way to Give Back

We are living through undeniably hard times. Are you feeling called to help where you can? Adopting a pet is a great way to help out your community. Better yet, this act of giving back returns you with a gift that keeps giving! 

3️⃣ There’s a High Need

Right now, animal shelters are more strapped than ever. Less volunteers and more animals up for adoption equals chaos, uncertainty, and compromised care. To piggyback on the previous point, giving back to your local animal shelter helps them to manage their costs and resources.

4️⃣ You Could Use the Company

Here’s a fact you probably already know — pets make great companions! If a lack of socialization has you feeling especially lonely, animals all great for curing these blues. Owning your pet will instantly make your quiet home feel more like a household, especially if you live alone.

5️⃣ Hey, New Hobby!

We’re not saying that pet adoption is a way to cure boredom, but… it will definitely help this cause. If you’re finding yourself bored out of your mind more often than you’d like, a new pet will solve your problem immediately, we promise. 

6️⃣ Your New Security System

Loneliness and lack of security can often exist in the same sentence. If you’re going through these uncertain times alone, you may find yourself feeling scared or uncertain at night. Depending on what kind of pet you get, adopting an animal may help you to calm your nerves. 

7️⃣ Time to Train

Training a dog is an extensive process. This is especially true with rescue dogs, who are probably used to doing things their way! It’s also likely that past mistreatment has caused them to be a little less trusting than, say, a purebred puppy. Luckily, you have the time to give this process the patience it deserves! 

8️⃣ It’s Cost-Effective

Let’s make one thing clear — taking care of a creature is not inexpensive. Being a responsible pet owner means shelling out money for general proper care whenever necessary. With that being said, most adoption centers are currently offering low adoption rates. If you were already thinking about adopting, you may as well jump on this perk! 

9️⃣ Make Positive Memories

What a year we’ve had. We’ve all experienced high levels of stress, grief, and anxiety throughout these past few months, we won’t argue that. But maybe there’s some room to make positive memories as well! 2020 doesn’t have to be the worst year ever. By adopting a pet, you’ll make 2020 the year you met your four-legged soulmate.

🔟 It’s an Excuse to Get the Pop ‘N Go ® Pets Playpen

If you’ve made it to this page, you’ve probably already peeped our brand new Pop ‘N Go ® Pets Playpen. Cute, right?! We agree. The Pop ‘N Go for Pets is not only adorable; it’s also incredibly durable, versatile, and portable. Take home a furry friend, and you’ll also gain an excuse to treat yourself (err, your pet) to this one-of-a-kind pet pen. 

Happy adopting! 

NOTE: Our hugely popular Pop 'N Go Pets Playpen has a new name: The Pop 'N Go Mini Playpen... check it out here!