
Valentine’s Day isn’t just a day to celebrate with your spouse. It’s a super fun holiday that you can celebrate with the whole family! By starting fun traditions in your house now, your kids can always look forward to this special day and when they go to school, they will spread the joy that you create at home. Here are five fun ways to make Valentine’s Day special with your kiddos! 
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We all love our furry best friends, and it is hard not to think that you have the smartest dog out there. The reality is, your dog’s impressive intelligence might not be all fur parent-biased — your dog might be even smarter than you realize. 
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At The California Beach Co., we believe there is strength in numbers. We stand with parents from all social and ethnic backgrounds in an attempt to make the world a better place. Equality is not something that we take lightly. Our society could definitely benefit from a greater amount of love and acceptance so we try to lead by example, standing with all communities and families. 🌈
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