This Year, Be Intentional in Dating Your Spouse

This Year, Be Intentional in Dating Your Spouse - The California Beach Co.

For all the married couples out there, this post is for you. They weren’t lying when they said marriage is one of the hardest rewards. To love and be loved is precious, but it’s not an easy job. Marriage is something you have to work at every single day. Some days, it’s natural to love your spouse, yet other days… it takes all the patience in the world. 

It’s normal to feel a mixture of emotions at times towards your spouse. You are learning to live your life with another person in mind. You vowed to become one, which is really an unnatural thing to do! Although it doesn’t come easy, marriage is a beautiful thing and you are doing better than you think. After the year we just had, cut yourself some slack. The fact that you’re still married after 2020 is impressive in itself! 😂😉

So, how do you keep your marriage alive in 2021? 

After a year of constant unknowns, you may be searching for stability in a number of different aspects. In all seriousness, 2020 was a hard year for many married couples. Between vacations cancellations, quarantine restrictions, and work-from-home transitions, it’s no wonder you might be unsure how to navigate in your marriage right now! 

We are only human. No matter how much you love your spouse, you need your own space, purpose, and boundaries. This past year completely wiped away our comfortable lifestyles. Perhaps you had to take a deep look within your life and your relationships—well, we have some good and bad news for you. 2020 is officially over (good news) but that doesn’t mean all the problems are going to drift away and be forgotten (bad news).

2021 is the year for Intentional Living 

Don’t fret. There are still many unknowns in full swing, but the one thing you CAN control is you. Your output and your input. We want to encourage you to be intentional about all things, but especially in your marriage. If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us how to get creative. 

We had to get creative on how we went about this new normal. Now, it’s time to get creative in how you can intentionally date your spouse in this new normal! Your wife/husband doesn’t need a fancy five-star dinner or a trip to the Bahamas to fall deeper in love with you. 

Your spouse needs companionship.
Quality time. 

How can you show up better in dating your spouse?

Insider tip: You’re never “out” of the game! You still need to “swoon, impress, DATE” your spouse! 

Don’t make it complicated or expensive—make it intentional. 

Put thought into it and I’m sure your significant other will be more elated than ever before. Here are a few of our favorite ways to put on an intentional date night, right at home! ⤵️

  1. Grab the California Beach Blanket and set up an adorable lunch picnic outside. The fresh air combined with your spouse’s favorite take-out or (home-cooked meal) will surely win them over. You may just end up staying out till dusk, catching up and enjoying each other's company so much you don’t even realize how much time has passed by. THAT’S a quality date right there.❤️
  2. Spa night right at home… There’s nothing more relaxing than a bubble bath, lit candles, and a bottle of wine. Spoil your spouse with this set up and see what they do for you in return. ✨
  3. Borrow your kiddo’s Pop ‘N Go Playpen for a night in the stars. Sometimes, acting young again is all you need to revive your spirit and your relationship. Whether you just lay and relax or host a family movie night in the backyard, this date night is intentional on all fronts—for the whole family! 

Love and Be Loved 

Set an example of love and see how it reflects off others. Your spouse deserves your time and attentiveness. Don’t wait for them to spoil you—make the first move. After all, the rules definitely change once you make it official. 😉 Make it a new year resolution to date your spouse intentionally. Then, just wait and see where you end up… ❤️