Parents are WINE-ING Down in this Playpen

Parents are WINE-ING Down in this Playpen - The California Beach Co.

Who says the Pop ‘N Go Playpen is for kids only? If you own one of these versatile pop-up tents, you may as well get the most out of it too! The California Beach Company encourages you to get creative about how you spend time with your spouse. This instant space can become a hideaway for you and your honey, too! Why wouldn't you take advantage of a relaxing “wine-down” moment with your other half? 

Take Time-Out

Is the Pop ‘N Go ® Playpen a play tent for kids, an outdoor retreat, or an intimate space for you and your love? Trick question — it’s all of the above! When the opportunity strikes for some self-care time, this play tent can transform into a private chill zone for parents.

Our recommendation? Grab that bottle of wine you’ve been saving, a couple of your favorite glasses, and your significant other and head to your pop up tent. This enclosed space will create boundaries that keep you from cleaning, organizing, and DOING all of the things that are racing around in your head. 

It may seem silly, but being “stuck” in this space with your S.O. will force you to focus on what’s right in front of you. Spend some much needed time alone catching up, checking in, and connecting. This act in itself should be a priority because it nurtures your relationship. It also gives both of you the revitalized energy you need to switch back into “parent mode.” After all... everyone needs time-out — even adults!

Feel Like a Kid Again

You encourage playfulness in your children, so why not do the same for yourself? There are plenty of benefits in light-hearted play; it stimulates curiosity, produces endorphins, and enhances creativity (just to name a few.) Being serious all the time may help you get stuff done, but it won’t make you happy. Remember, the best way to raise happy and healthy kids is by modeling happiness for them.

You don’t have to go to a posh restaurant or another “fancy adult date” location to bond with your partner and reconnect with yourself. Next time you’re not on parent duty, plan a date inside the fun structure of the Pop ‘N Go ® Playpen instead. Laugh, play, explore, and heck — wear your pajamas! Why not? You and your spouse will feel like kids again, which will in turn bring you closer. By settling into your Pop ‘N Go, you can let your inner children out! Whether you playfully pop up right in the middle of your living room or you plan a night in the stars outback —you're sure to experience a great level of quality time with one another. 

A Quiet Escape

Essentially, the Pop ‘N Go ® Playpen serves the same purpose for you and your kids. It makes space for a quiet escape within your own home! You’ll be surprised by how influential a few moments in a secluded, quiet space can be on your mental health. Everyone needs peaceful retreat every now and then, kids and adults alike.