Five Cleaning Hacks that Your Children Can Learn and Grow to Love

Five Cleaning Hacks that Your Children Can Learn and Grow to Love - The California Beach Co.

Your young kids may not be able to handle all of the big cleaning responsibilities around the house, but that doesn’t mean they should be exempt from helping out! Even your smallest family members can step in to make your long list of chores a little shorter. 

Keep in mind — asking your kids for a helping hand is beneficial to them as well! Kids need to gradually learn how to practice cleanliness at home. So, instead of just handling it on your own, use house cleaning as an opportunity to teach them how to be a team player! Trusting them with more responsibility will increase their confidence, too!

1. Let Them “Play” with Cool Tools

Teaching your kids how to clean will be smooth sailing if “cool tools” are involved. Items like spray bottles, squeegees, mini vacuums, and dusters will enhance this experience for a couple of reasons. For one, cleaning tools speed up the process and make life easier in general. In addition, your child will feel important and powerful knowing you trust them with these fast-working supplies. With a little imagination, a feather duster may as well be a magic wand!

2. Get in the Zone of Folding Clothes

When thinking about involving your kids on cleaning duty, your first concern is probably safety, and rightfully so. There are a lot of cleaning supplies and necessary chores that are not safe for your child to use and partake in. 

With that being said, the task of folding clothes is beyond safe — it can even be cuddly and relaxing! This calming chore can happen anywhere, so if your child is plopped on the couch or hanging out in their designated play area, you may as well hand them a pile! If your child has an indoor play tent, you could get creative and convince them they have their own laundromat storefront! This will not only excite your children to “be the boss” of something, but they’ll also learn that hard work delivers reward! Maybe, instead of exchanging folded clothes for a buck, you can negotiate a cookie currency. ;) 

3. Their New Favorite Sorting Game

Sorting games are not a new concept for most children. This type of activity is consistently taught in early childhood as a way to acknowledge the similarities and differences between objects.

Next time you’re teaching your kiddo how to tidy up, introduce your recycling bins as a new and oh-so-exciting sorting game. They’ll immediately zero in on putting recyclables in the right category, and they will feel a great sense of accomplishment once they’re done!

4. For a Good Time While Cleaning, Set a Timer

The best way to motivate your children? Put some pep in their step by setting a pace! A timer or music will encourage your kids to take a break from their downtime and hop to it. They’ll gain focus, follow a sense of urgency, and learn to enjoy whatever task they have at hand. By making this activity feel like a race against the clock, your kids can get their “crazies” out in a way that’s beneficial to you and your home. 

5. Set A Task and Stick to it

Kids thrive on structure, and work best when they have one primary focus. Instead of overwhelming yours with a list of different tasks, give them one time-consuming job they can become invested in. Examples could be sorting socks, collecting coins, cleaning windows, or any other simple and repetitive task. As some time passes, they’ll happily get into their groove.  

Reward Your Kiddos for their Hard-Earned Work

Don’t forget to thank your kids for their efforts! Rewarding your children for their help, whether it be through a tasty treat, toy, or new privilege, will make them want to pitch in more often!  We’re willing to bet that your young family members want to help. Teach them how, and your home will look spiffy in no time!