The View Isn’t So Bad… No Wonder Kids Love This Product

The View Isn’t So Bad… No Wonder Kids Love This Product - The California Beach Co.

Let’s not forget how perceptive kids are - Most playpens are restrictive environments and they know it just as well. Luckily, it’s a different story with the Pop N Go Playpen. Open-air design and breathable mesh will make your kiddo feel like they aren’t enclosed at all. When inside the Pop N Go Playpen, they’ll be able to enjoy the view, experience nature, and roam free while you enjoy being worry-free.  

The Convertible of Play Pens 

With its open-air top, the Pop N Go Playpen is the convertible of all playpens. With a clear view above, your child will be able to take in that big, mysterious sky whenever they’d like. 

During the day, they can lay back and point out funny shapes in the clouds. By nighttime, they’ll be staring at the stars and searching for their constellations. 

The Pop N Go Playpen’s pseudo-ceiling and high walls provide just enough structure and shielding to keep them in one place and protect their eyes from harmful sun. If the weather is uncooperative, you can easily throw on the UV shade cover that is included with every purchase. 

A Breath of Fresh Air 

You can wave goodbye to other models; the Pop N Go Playpen is without question the ultimate outdoor play tent. No play place lets your child be one with nature quite like ours does. 

Mesh netting makes up the sides of this structure, meaning that your child will still be able to enjoy the breeze and breathe in the fresh air. 

Although it’s not a completely open-air pen, your child will still be able to enjoy the view from all angles. While playing, they’ll witness critters dashing by, flowers blooming, birds singing, and the sun setting. Your child will feel the opposite of isolated in the Pop N Go Playpen

This product is perfect for camping trips or any outdoor activity in general. It’s incredibly light for its size (only seven pounds!!!), super easy to set up, and can be transported in a jiff. The polyester and mesh siding can be cleaned easily as well; hit it with a hose or a quick wipe-down and you’re good to go. 

Let Your Wild Child Think They’re Roaming Free 

Finally - a playpen that doesn’t feel like a time-out. Thanks to the airy roof, weave-mesh siding, and spacious size, The Pop N Go Playpen is as open as a playpen can be. It can even fit two or more children, allowing your kid to create their own universe while experiencing the world around them. Is your wild child especially rambunctious? The Pop N Go Playpen is extremely durable, and will literally stand up to any roughhousing or enthusiastic play. 

Lay Back and Enjoy the View (Safely) 

Safety and freedom existing in one place - isn’t that every parent’s dream? The Pop N Go Playpen allows you to keep your kid super safe in a way that doesn’t feel like punishment. In fact, your child will love having their own personal space while still feeling like they’re fully outside. With the Pop N Go Playpen, everybody wins.