Thanks to the Pop N Go, Everyone Gets to Play

Thanks to the Pop N Go, Everyone Gets to Play - The California Beach Co.

For many of us, it’s time to start planning our moves back into everyday life. This transition comes just in time for beautiful, warm spring weather. Yay! I’m sure you’re as relieved as we are. 

Sheltering in place has been tough for everyone; however, improvisational stay-at-home parents have felt a different kind of stress. Quarantine, for many, has consisted of romping around in cute pajamas and spending lazy days on the couch. If you’re a parent of young kids, we’re going to guess this is probably not your story. Trying to keep kids occupied day in and day out while also possibly working from home is no easy feat. For a family with kids, sheltering in place looks more like chaos in place. There’s one thing we’ve all desperately been wanting to do, parents and kids alike: GET OUTSIDE.  

Being in Two Places at Once is Actually Possible 

As a parent, you’re used to being stretched thin. However, if you’re a parent of children in different age groups, you're living two or more realities at any given time. You want to meet every child on their level and to do so means adjusting the rules you set, the communication you have, and the activities you provide. This back-and-forth can send your head spinning. 

In the confines of your home, it’s somewhat manageable to appease everyone; however, how are you going to manage when it's time to head outside again? Depending on your family dynamic, this can be a daunting task. Luckily, the Pop N Go Playpen basically allows you to achieve the impossible. By setting up your play tent outside, you’re creating an instant safe zone for your extra little ones while letting the big kids run and play. You’ll be able to be part of all of the action while keeping close eyes on your tribe.  

Everybody’s Happy, Healthy and Safe 

Sometimes, in order to keep the whole family unit safe, one-size-fits-all activities are your only option. Yes, safety comes first, but it’s a terrible feeling to have to deny your older kids of age-appropriate play. Are you hesitant to let your child join the soccer team, wondering how you’ll care for their younger brother or sister at the same time? 

With the Pop N Go Playpen, juggling your kids’ needs is a non-issue. No matter where you go, this tent can serve as an impromptu play and rest place for your baby. Pop on the UV shade cover quickly and easily to eliminate any concerns about harsh sun and weather. Go ahead, sign your child up for the soccer team they so desperately want to join. In fact, the more outdoor activities the merrier - a healthy, active lifestyle for your kids should be promoted and encouraged. The Pop N Go Playpen gives you the opportunity to start saying “yes” instead of “no.” Everybody wins.  

Fun Doesn’t Stop at the Sidelines

Get creative with your Pop N Go - it’s not only a portable haven for babies. Children can lose focus and interest easily, and it can be hard to keep up with their changing wants and needs. With the Pop N Go, you can provide a change of scenery without having to pack up and go home. Maybe one of your kids, big or small, wants a break from hyper-social and active play. The Pop N Go with its UV shade cover can instantly become a quiet and private space. Keep games or art supplies on hand in case you plan on staying through a game. The Pop N Go Playpen combined with its shade cover also makes for a great shelter from unexpected rain or inclement weather. 

Convenience Wins

Time is always limited when you’re doing life with young kids. We know how important convenience is - if something isn’t easy to grab, it’s not coming with. The Pop N Go packs up in a pinch, weighs practically nothing, and is easy to transport with it’s attached carry strap. If you're rushing out the door, your Pop N Go Playpen is always game at a moment’s notice.

Here at California Beach Co., we design our products with your perspective in mind. The Pop N Go Playpen is so much more than just a play tent - it’s a game-changer. By taking your Pop N Go outside, everybody’s happy. Your children can simultaneously participate in the right activities for their age and you’ll feel secure about their collective safety.