Hotel Pool Safety Tips for Young Children

Hotel Pool Safety Tips for Young Children - The California Beach Co.

One of the most exciting aspects of taking your young children to a hotel is the pool. Children love to swim in pools and hotel pools are often a much anticipated part of traveling with kids. Having fun is very important for everyone in your family but safety should definitely be your first concern. Today, we will share some safety tips for young children and hotel swimming pools. 

How to Keep Young Children Safe At a Hotel Pool

There are plenty of important steps that parents should take when allowing their young children to play at a hotel pool. Below are a few of the main points that this article will further expand on:

  • Never leave children unsupervised to play at the pool
  • Utilize flotation devices when needed
  • Figure out if a lifeguard is on duty
  • Teach children about stranger safety and watch out for any odd interactions from other adults
  • Get CPR certified 

Never Leave Children Unsupervised

Even if children are old enough to swim on their own, it is still important that you never let them play at the hotel pool unsupervised. Not only do hotel pools present drowning hazards, but there are also going to be a lot of other people around who could be dangerous. At least one parent should be present with kids at all times and paying attention closely. Be sure to communicate to children that they shouldn’t go to the pool by themselves and why it is important. 

Utilize Flotation Devices When Needed

If your child is younger and still figuring out how to swim, you’ll want to make sure to get a pool float or floaties for them to wear to keep them safe. Children who aren’t yet swimming will also need close supervision from adults and you’ll need to actually get into the pool with them to ensure safety. Some children still need flotation support even after they’ve learned to swim. Children start swimming lessons at a variety of different ages. Some parents enroll their babies in swim lessons to teach them how to float in the event of an emergency, but others wait a bit longer. This is entirely a personal choice, but it can give some peace of mind to get children into swim lessons sooner rather than later. 

Figure Out if a Lifeguard is on Duty

Although parents should always be in charge of children who are playing at pools, it is helpful to know if there is a lifeguard on duty. Knowing about a lifeguard can give some peace of mind because you’ll know who to go to if you need help for any reason. If there isn’t a lifeguard on duty, you’ll want to make sure that you’re watching even more vigilantly. 

Teach Children About Stranger Safety

When staying at a hotel, you never know who you’re going to come into contact with. You’ll want to be paying attention to other adults and even older kids when your child is playing at the pool. If anyone at the pool makes you uncomfortable by saying or doing anything, you’ll probably want to remove yourself and your children from that situation. Also, teach children to tell you if any adults make them uncomfortable for any reason. 

Get CPR Certified

CPR certification is an important skill for parents for so many different reasons. Having a CPR certification can also help you be more well-equipped to handle any poolside emergencies. In the event that a young child who can’t yet swim falls into the pool and needs to be resuscitated, having adults around who know CPR can make a big difference since you won’t have to wait for paramedics to arrive to begin CPR. CPR certification is also helpful away from the pool setting because it can give you preparation to save your child in the event that they begin to choke on something at home. There are a few different ways to go about getting CPR certified.

  • You can become CPR certified online which is a convenient process but may not be as effective as an in person class. 
  • Look for any local CPR classes in your area. Some areas have privately owned CPR education companies.
  • Visit the AHA or Red Cross website to find local classes offered in your area.    

CPR classes teach the basics of human resuscitation for babies, children, and adults. They also teach you how to handle a choking situation and how to perform the Heimlich maneuver. 

Additional Hotel Safety Tips

The swimming pool is likely one of the more hazardous areas of a hotel, but you can also take additional steps to keep your children safe even when you are just hanging out at your hotel room. Here are some additional safety tips to take into consideration when staying at a hotel with young children.

  • Ensure that children have a safe area to sleep. 
  • Check to make sure the room is kid-proof ahead of time if you are traveling with younger children. 
  • Make sure to stick together as a family and establish an emergency meet-up location if anyone gets separated. 
  • Practice elevator safety. In the event that you or your child get separated on an elevator, find a hotel employee who can announce on the intercom to help you find your child. 
  • Show your children how to use a hotel phone in case you lose one another and make sure that they know your cell phone number so that they can get into contact with you. 

Traveling with young children is an exciting and fun part of being a parent. As kids get older they will start to look forward to staying at hotels and getting out of town. Make these events even more exciting and memorable by always ensuring safety for yourself and your children. Swimming pool safety is one of the easiest ways to keep your children safe when staying at a hotel. Always be very vigilant when your child is playing in any pool and be prepared for anything to happen. 

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